Tailored Cover
Making sure the cover fits your business perfectly.
If you are a business with more complex insurance needs, you need an insurance broker to arrange your professional indemnity insurance if you want accurate cover, value for money and peace of mind.
Most professional firms of a certain size will require some tailoring of their professional indemnity insurance to ensure the cover fits their business perfectly. This could be anything from a small policy endorsement to a full claims handling delegated authority to make settlements up to a pre-agreed level.
Your policy is probably protecting your firm against work carried out since the date of establishment and any structural changes to the business along the way may still need to be added in by special endorsement or by tailoring.
The vast majority of professional firms use an insurance broker. If you are one of the few firms who don't use a broker, you should read our guide: Why You Need An Insurance Broker - you'll be glad you did.
For quotations and more information, please call us on 0345 251 4000 or email support@professionalindemnity.co.uk.